Friday, April 2, 2010

Opening April 2, 2010

Ooooh, can you hear that? It's the summer movie season starting to rumble.  This is one of my favorite parts of the year, when movies that don't want to compete with summer blockbusters get an early jump by releasing in April.  It's like the summer starts a month early.  Remember some spring surprises from the past?  The Matrix, Fast and Furious, Deep Impact (record scratching violently).  Ok maybe not Deep Impact but you get my drift.

Summer Movie season is comin up fast and the spring is starting to Warm up.  I'm excited for the new Clash of the Titans update.  Since I've been playing God of War III during every free moment, I've been steeping myself in Greek history to fanboy out like a M*****F*****.  Plus, it's nice to see Marcus Wright, Jake Sooollly, Perseus, um . . .Sam Worthington continue his streak of playing half-man, half-robot/avatar/god, characters so he looks like a better actor that he is.

Director:  Sam emote!
Sam: I'm trying but I can't go much further or I'll break character, that is the "non-human" side remember!
Director:  Right!  Perfect!  Scene!

Hahahahaha Nicholas Sparks still sucks.

Enjoy!  See you at the movies!

Clash of the Titans

Perseus, son of Zeus, embarks on a dangerous quest to save Andromeda

Casey's Take:  The original swords and sandals special effects extravaganza that was originally released the year I was born.  Anytime you hear me support a film with ridiculous special effects, thin plot, passable acting and copious cleavage you can blame this movie.  . . . AFTER you watch it.

Breaking Upwards

Two lovers decide to end their relationship in stages.

Casey's Take:  Going out on a limb here and stating this is a Emo version of "When Harry Met Sally".  Also if I were to break up with a lover in stages it would go like this.
1.Get really good at Golf and make $1bil
2.Learn how to Build Motorcycles
3.Stick it in anything that walks and possibly has a fetish for Nazi memorabilia
4.Win an Oscar
5. Declare I have a "Sex Addiction" and end the relationship

The Greatest

Grief-stricken parents meet a young woman who is pregnant with their late son's child.

Casey's Take:  Yo wouldn't it be awesome if Pierce Brosnan did a whole melodramatic movie and at the end he said "Bond. James Bond." and just left all the other characters in a crap situation.  Oh man that would be hilarious. Other than that this looks pretty good.

Don McKay

Everything seems a little off-kilter when a man returns to his hometown after 25 years.

Casey's Take:  So . . .you leave home, and come back after 25 years 'cause you obviously turned out to be a loser of some sort, and the super hot girl who was your sweetheart in High School totally wants you, let's you stay in her house and all you gotta do is kill somebody?  Seems like a sweet deal to me I don't see what the problem is.  Not like it's SAW or anything, it's just some small podunk town, ish like that happens all the time, sometimes you gotta roll with the punches.

The Warlords

Blood Brothers grapple with battle and betrayal.

Casey's Take: Dare I say it? Everybody looks a like they've done this type of thing waaaay too many times.  Although the whole thing looks like a dirty House of Golden Hero Dragons mashup.

Why Did I Get Married Too?

On vacation in the Bahamas four couples examine questions about love and fidelity.

Casey's Take:  I'll admit I saw the first movie of this series and enjoyed it, and this sequel seems to up the ante and melodrama.  Although if you aren't black and you go to this movie you better just talk along with everyone else.  The great thing a bout black cinema is that they actually structure the movie so that the audience can talk over it.  Seriously, there will be an unnaturally long pause after certain plot points are discussed; unnaturally long if you aren't black that is, cause if you are, you're letting the characters know what's up.

What are you seeing this weekend?


  1. I'm excited about Clash, but it does have plenty to live up to. I'm also getting that feeling that they just showed me 90% of the cool bits of the movie right there in the trailer.

  2. Chris, I agree, however the original was a camp masterpiece, so the updated special effects alone will be enough for me. Luckily Liam Nesson is in it and what's the last bad movie he made?
