Monday, March 29, 2010

Opened March 26, 2010

What's goin on CMC members!  Funny thing happened going to see Hot Tub Time Machine on Friday.  So CMC member Lindsay and I were having a few pre Hot Tub brewski's at the 4th Street Pub and Grill.  I was waiting for CMC member Vikram when this girl named Rachel approached our table and asked if we were part of the Movie Crew.

Naturally I assume Rachel heard about the awesomeness that is Casey's Movie Crew through some sort of Word of Mouth.  She said she heard about the club through "Dan" to which I replied, "Dan which Dan?"  She said a name I couldn't recognize, however we invited her to sit down and join us anyways.  Turns out Rachel is part of the Brews Movie Crew which happened to be meeting up to watch Hot Tub Time Machine as well, at the same time and movie theater!  You could imagine my semi-buzzed confusion.

Luckily, for Rachel, her friend Dan did show up, and we realized that two competing movie crews were vying for the affections of Hot Tub Time Machine.  Luckily for me, Vik showed up for the movie so I didn't look like some weirdo who named a movie crew after himself just to go to movies and act like he had friends.

Furthermore the "Brew Movie Crew" met another movie crew in the audience of Hot Tub Time Machine.  Wow!  This Movie Crew thing has taken off!  I did invite Rachel to our movie crew in the case her movie crew sucked, which I am assuming it did, so welcome to Casey's Movie Crew Rachel! We're glad to have you aboard.

Anyways, enough about my lack of a social life, on the the movies that were released last Friday.  Enjoy!

How to Train Your Dragon

The son of a Viking Chief must capture a Dragon in order to be initiated into his tribe.

Casey's Take:  Gosh when I told my Dad that I was trying to "Train My Dragon" to gain his acceptance he locked me out of the house for a week.  And he got rid of the internet.  . . . .Wet Dreamworks . . . Zing!

Waking Sleeping Beauty

A Documentary about the people and artists that brought glory back to Disney Animation

Casey's Take: So Walt Disney wanted to "Kill All the Jews" on his deathbed.  A lot of Jewish animators worked for Disney and almost ruined the company in the 80s only to save it in the 90s, leave the company and start their own successful animation studios by the 2000s, prompting the Disney company to purchase said successful companies . . . . My head hurts. . .


A suspicious woman hires a prostitute to find out if her husband is cheating on her.

Casey's Take: Looks intense and riveting.  If only all conflicts in life could be solved by hiring a prostitute, throwing her (it has to be a girl everytime, a dude in the mix wouldn't work) in the mix, and letting things play out. Fantastic!  "Hey everybody, our company is going out of business, so instead of fighting with the investors, we're just going to hire prostitutes for the next 2 weeks, and we're just gonna see what happens".  I'm pretty confident the financial crisis could have been avoided if the Bush Administration legalized and encouraged prostitution for 30 days.

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