Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Opening March 31, 2010

Normally only African-American movies open on Wednesday, so imagine my surprise that a Miley Cyrus movie is opening on Wednesday and the new Tyler Perry movie headlines a major Friday weekend.  You're doin good Obama.

Usually this meant that the movie was opening to a limited audience and the extra few days would give the movie the monetary boost it would need to perform well.  In this case the limited audience is probably pedophiles.  Luckily there are some suspended priests from the Vatican who probably have a lot of free time on their knees so if you see old dudes in black robes in the theater tomorrow lemme suggest right now you should wait for the blu-ray.

The Last Song

A Man tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter through their shared love of music.

Casey's Take:  Wouldn't it be fantastic if the movie was about Miley abandoning showbiz to donate her body to science getting shot into space, and serving as an example to intelligent forms of life of what NOT to do with DNA?  Also, WTF is Nicholas Sparks doing shitting out movies this year?  Great you're really good at writing insanely sappy stories about really really really white people . . .on the beach . . .during the summer.  Branch out a bit homey.

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